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Reviews for "The Murderous Apple Mac"


This is your first movie from the studios? WOW, great work guys. Excellent graphics, and a very funny concept. Excellent~!!!

PC> MACS!!!!

is there a 6? no? damn....

i should actually have a 10 but nobody is perfect...

Black-Widow-2004 responds:

Too True, in fact most people don't even deserve a 2 in my opinion why look at some of the usual crap that gets submitted. Thanks for your 9 and if you feel a submission deserves a 10 then vote 10

If your a skelaton after 3 days..

..you just got nutition problems...anyway, nuts 2 you, Macs rule, that thing would happen to any computer w/o broadband. But i'll give it to you, very funny, and excellent graphics & choise of sound. A as a grade 4 u


yay.. just how i feel about MAC's .. great flash

Mac, its like *nix for newbs!

I love it when someone tells me their mac is fast. No shizzle sherlock, anything that has two processors and a crap load of RAM is going to be fast.

And who was the guy who said "get a bigger HD if your computer is slow..." Seriously, it has very little to do with your HD, unless you dont have the space for VM or your drive runs at 1000 rpm (which NONE do, not anymore at least.) Or even defrag if nothing else.

PCs are only slow cause idiots use windows. Boot up a copy of slack V12 in runlevel 3, and I bet you it toasts ANY version of OSX on a machine half as powerful. Even in RL 4 it can be so much faster.

Can OSX run on a 486? Nope, didnt think so. A *real* copy of *nix can!

Again, it has nothing to do with some kind of arcane magik. Its just that Macs are built to be much more powerful than the average PC. Duh.

Sorry about the rant. Macs are pretty good, but honestly they are not the living end. Still, better to use a mac than crappy windows Vista...

By the way, great movie! So true with the older macs running OSX!