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Reviews for "Quibble Race"

Great game!

I had a lot of fun playing this, its somewhat reminds me of "gazillionaire" but thats a plus in my book!

Keep at it (and dont be suprised if this ends up on the front page)

Peace out.


Hey, there's a bug. Whenever you protect your.... Quibble thing, it ends up getting confused instead of protected, either that or it gets cripped.

Pretty good!

Now this is a game that keeps you hooked! The only beef I have with this flash whatsover is how long it takes to earn money. I would recommend putting some kind of odds system into it, so if the odds are at different levels etc. you earn different amounts of money. It would make things a bit more interesting is all i'm saying. Anyway, good job! Keep flashing! MASTER!

This game... ROCKS!!!

This game is the classic bet and race games! Bet your money on a Quibble and rig the race to victory!!! This game has to be the best thing on NG!!!

Suggested rating: 5!!!
Epilepsy rating: 2 (low, 10-20% chance of seizure, very low)
Suggested age: 10+

Very addictive! Hard to get started though.

The random element is a bit high but overall, this a very neat betting / management game with a nice "comic-scifi" atmosphere.