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Reviews for "Fake Metal Feelings"


Well, this is an odd flash. The story is vague, though the point is clear.But, the graphics and style are sub-par, and the animation is choppy.

I just can't recommend that anyone watch this unless their into sub-par, sappy, love story-esque movies about people-loving robots.


im pretty sure i understand what you were going for, but you kind missed the mark. for example the first scene where the guys were making fun of him...was he supposed to care? or supposed to be a robot that didn't have feelings yet? nothing's really clearly laid out, random stuff just kind of happens and you can't really tell what exactly is supposed to be going on.

and as i side note if i just walked up to a random girl in park and tried to kiss her after giving her a flower, i would probably expect to be pushed away and yelled at. not because im a robot though.

good work

Pretty good, nice animation and sound. But the robot looked like a bit of a retard when it walked.

retarded metaphor?

eh dude... you need help.
the way you animated the robots movement was rediculous. It was exagerated to the point where it was actually annoying.

The story... if it was a metaphor was still bad. If it wasn't a metaphor then please look into a creative writing class.

The one problem with good animators on Newgrounds is they're terrible writers. Maybe next time you should colaborate with someone so it doesnt turn out to be such a disappointment to the viewers...

critical yes, but will you listen? God I hope so...

AloneInTheDark responds:

No i wont listen. I will continue do things my way. If u dont like that, then dont watch my flashes, very simple eh? And many people liked this one, but also many hated it. I couldnt have asked for a cooler response from the people


you gonna make a sequel..... ppl say that their afraid of the dark... but im not afraid of it im afraid of wat its hiding...... man dont make so much sad storys better if you make atleast 1 cheerful story.... cuz man that touching. but harsh....