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Reviews for "Onigirls DDR 14'th MIX"

Onigirl I love you!

These keep getting better and better!

Nice work, Perfect sound sync!

The sound sync was excellent, good choice of music!!

I have played almost all of your DDR games and they are all very good, keep up the good work!!

Best one so far.

I feel this one was the most entertaining to play and the most on beat. The options are nice even though I haven't tried it yet, but I am sure they are great. Putting multiple songs in would be a big improvement. But just remember not to have it quantity over quality. Keep them as good as this one and throw a few more in there, or change difficulties.
The notes are repeately pushed if you hold them down, it doesn't work but still, I would say to fix that. Especially if you end up adding holds. The only other thing is that I would seperate the 1/4 notes and 1/8 notes with different colors as is done in the game. Stepmania has 1/4 notes red and 1/8 notes blue. Would just be a cool extra.
Nice song and steps. Now just try to make a compilation.

better than the others

this is a much better effort.where do you get the music from it is a little annoying.

another idea for you

well one these games are not good to play when half asleep waiting for your class to start. i'm not sure exactly on the mechinics of flash but you can you may want to start relase versions with different skill levels and songs in them. like two or three songs togather.

oh and btw since i can't comment on your comment the from last time, its cool that your from japan but can you guys keep making final fantasies lol. please do not take that in any way as a slam against your culture its just i have heard rumors that after 12 is released no more and i've become addicted to them....... except X-2