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Reviews for "Soxx: the killer bunny"

For F sake. Get your own damn thing

OK im seeing way too much of a shitty trend here. UNORIGINALITY

At first I thought damn this is soo like invader zim but just looking at the background, hearing that song, and reading that font, and I knew this was bullshit.
Don't get me wrong it was a good flash. Just a shame that it oozed with unoriginality.
Almost as bad as all the anime bullshit (you know the not from Japan kind)


Craptacular dont be so nonchalant. i did like the graphics (being high quality for flash that is, not how he stole em), but you completley stole jhonen vasque's work. the animation, opening frame, text style, name of episode when the thing started, pretty much all of it. and im pretty sure that when the bunny dude was on the roof, you used a night background from invader zim ITSELF. get your own style dude.

a list of things that would've helped

1. Originality
2. A Plot that was more interesting than a drippy pipe
3. A main character who wasn't a trite as long walks on the beach

you're obviously a good animator. do something that doesn't suck this bad.

Terrible, Horrible, Disgusting, I Hate it!

I joined up on NG today and got my own account especially for this movie... I've been viewing the site for years and never once thought it convienient or needed to join, but now that I've seen this I've sworn not to let this kind of garbage litter NG. The flag could have come sooner I suppose but your's is the lucky first. What's wrong with this movie... ? Tons... first I'd like to say, leave the genious to Jhonen you rip-off. JTHM is original... very very original indeed, and before I saw the credits to this I could have swore that anyone who's read a Jhonen comic would have the respect to never in a lifetime try to recreate his work... well apparently you didn't have that respect. Instead, you completely ripped off his drawing style, right down to the teeth in the the father's mouth, and bassically tried to take everything that made JTHM funny, sick, and smart, and put it into your own character. Not good... and the rabbit's voice pieces sound like crap. JTHM is Jhonen's monster, as he describes in the beginning authour's note to the director cut of the first 10 JTHM comic's... his monster and no one elses. Find your own monster and come back with a better flash, and this time... make the monster say something smart, rather than just a bunch of senceless shit put together to make a plot, and a reason for it to be twisted. Paradies are okay, and I'm sure you'd make a great one of a Jhonen creation, but this simply will not do.


What’s next? You gona start tracing Dragon Ball Z characters like the rest of the 14 year olds? You stole a good style, made a crappy character, wrote a story which you intended to be funny but fell short three hundred feet back, and are getting praise from morons who have NO idea what originality or copyright infringement is. TRY TO BE ORIGINAL, I know it hurts when your forced to come up with something original...BUT TURN ON YOUR BRAIN!!!
OH, and before you EVEN attempt to say "It's a TRIBUTE to his work"...THATS A COP OUT RESPONCE AND YOU KNOW IT!
Just to remind you one more time, you’re a COPY CAT, an unoriginal bastard with no talent other than the ability to trace, your humor lacks INCREDIBLY , and you receive praise from MORONS!!! You are now dubbed El COPY GATO!!! LOSER!