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Reviews for "Soxx: the killer bunny"

Nice animation, but the style is too familiar.

Too similar to Jhonen's work. Nice job on the animation and voices.


kinda wierd....the bunny looks funny, makes me wanna kill it:D and rip its stuffing out :)

but good job if by the means of this movie was to create a wierdly freaky, fucked up mind warp of a movie. What the hell happend in your childhood man!?

Well, shit.

The graphics were good, but everything else sucked. Especially the voice of the bunny.

Hire an actor or something, the idiot doing that stuffed animal's voice drove me nuts.

The storyline was also not-so-great. I was bored after a few minutes, but I continued watching...hoping the annoying bitch bunny would finally die. Nope.

I'm dissapointed, when I saw this on the front page it looked intresting. Apparently not, though.


Good but

I'm not doubting the animation but what spoils this concept the most is the voice acting. Particually the guys voice is SO put on its almost comical. But it ruins the whole theme...
I dunno I suppose you can always learn and improve.

At least you gave the man -some- credit

Indeed it was a good movie, but like people have already said, it's Jhonen's style. I hope that's not the only way you draw, because, as you already know, that's a direct copy of Jhonen's, and it's better to have your own original style rather than striving to perfect somebody else's.

The voices went of sync in the middle of the movie and for the rest of the movie after that...and the story was kind of boring. It wasn't scary, it wasn't funny, it was just strange, which I like, but not entertaining enough.