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Reviews for "Rush++"

Can we say FLCL?

The complete randomness (or so I think!) was reminiscent of FLCL for me. Animation was great and I liked the different characters that were used throughout. Music was repetitive but that is understandable since the whole thing wasn't really that long and it was mainly a fast paced movie, so in that respect the music went well with it. Good job.


it was good but i didnt know what the fuk was going on. I mean, if you explained the story first, or provided bios, i would have gave it a 9-10. dialog is good too, but like i always say, unless you find very good voices, dont put voices, bad voices take off points for the final score, and sometimes make it suk more than it already does, lol. the animation was very good, and maybe if you worked on it more, it could become a masterpeice. I'll be looking foward to more of youre work. later.


like this was great it dont need color nice style some seens i dint get but it was great!! and SCREW what other people say dis was awsome


This made me look at all of your other work both here and on your site. I know understand the plot and hope to see more.

Yeah, cool dude

This animation lacked the obvious stuff, but some of the frame by frame stuff was great. You lost me when it zoomed in on an anime face crying. That's just horrible. I don't care if you're doing anime, because anime can be good, it's just "style" shit like that that really ruins it. Nice try. I really don't care enough to watch your other work that you referenced in your summary. Good luck in future flashes, must be a slow day/week.

O-Ovinnie responds:
