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Reviews for "Injections are fun!"


That sucked royal! There is no way anybody will enjoy this! Unless you're high or sumthin' avoid like the plague!


This guy obviosly has talent as shown in the excelelnt coordination of the flash animation. BUT has not used this talent at all! This animation is only funny to some sick perverted social reject or mentally retarded people. No story, no interactive features, basically nothing worth of value except the ability (capability) of producing we coordinated animations. This can be improved alot, so please stop sending crap like this, and make something worthwhile.


That was the most stupidest thing i've ever seen in my life, and it wasent funny

One point for style...

but thats about it. I cant believe that made front page. Its sucked

i hate you

that was so fucking pointless and so randomly stupid i dont know what the fuck people are thinking when they make shit like this or when people watch it then give it a high rating and i dont want to know, screw this movie.