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Reviews for ""Waterman" Ep. VII"

I've lost all faith in this show...

Is it just me? or does this show seem like it's been going downhill from Day 1. I have yet to see an episode where you don't rip off something. The whole time skipping joke is from a Futurama episode. As for the jokes, not funny. You try way too hard to be random when really it just ends up being a mess. Like the Ice Cream van scene for instance. The 16 buttons of justice video part was terrible, it dragged on and because you added stuff like "Super Carrot" people think it's suddenly hilarious. There was some funny parts like the hippy editor and the dead owl but I've got a feeling that those were just stolen from some other show. Maybe it's because Matt Wilson (who made Bonus Stage) co-written episodes 1 and 2 that they did so well and from then on things started to crumble, I don't know, but one thing's for sure, This show has lost all that it could have been. If you are gonna release Waterman onto a DVD then beware, you might get sued for stolen content and for good reason too. Again, I'm not trying to flame you or anything but seriously, I had high hopes for this series. Too bad it had to come to this garbage...

and by the way, If any of you don't like my opinion then F*ck you. I really don't give a damn.

I agree with robotic Chuck Norris, that WAS lame!

Now this is an improvement over your last few movies, but that's likt saying drowning is better than suffocating. Your animation has improved, i give you that, but it's actually not YOUR animation, it's that animators you keep firing then hiring others. But whatever. the sound squality wasn't shit like the other ones, but most of the voices sounded very boring and just plain unoriginal in any way. The whole movie was so long, i lost complete interest in it before it was half over. and i have a very long attention span. And as far as that time skipping thing goes, yeah don't do that. because it was kinda EXACTLY like somehting that happened in an episode of Futurama quite a while ago. So there's one more to add to the pile of rip-off's. Oh, by the way, i found your gardening gloves, go look over there in that shotgun barrel. Peace out.

It was alright but not really that funny.

I want to like these movie like everyone else but for some reason i can't bring myself to it.

I found the star of it to be a little bit funny but the humor after the humor started to getting a little repetitive it's started to not only bore me to tears it also got annoying.

A good flash movie does'nt need the diologe to crack 100 a jokes a minute.

Your flash work needs more slap stick and less talk.

I cannot see where this episode would deserve 5 stars. I would not even give 5 stars to "The Naked Gun: From the files of Police Squad" 5 stars. But in comparison, this is crappy. So that's what I am rating you on... 5 = Naked Gun and 0 = The Thin Red Line (Humor wise). As far as animation and production value, well I don't know when this was made but it is still pretty in-exciting, with little action or animation change. You drew the figures and they remain largely static. The audio is dull with hardly any SFX and mostly dialogue. You are clearly in the same vein of humor as the show "Family Guy" but this is like the awful crappy internet flash version of "Family Guy." Nothing you did was very funny and it was all just a bunch of short one liner jokes mush-mashed together from the brain of ADHD. In short, it sucks...