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Reviews for "Goamy"

It's funny because it's true...

LOL! Everyone else that left a review needs to shut up and realize the point of this flash. It's not to show that it has better animation or what not, it's just a short flash making fun of one of the lamest cartoons that seems to always make the front page somehow. Don't judge the flash, judge the parady... anyway, I really wanted to give it a 7 or 8, but everyone seems to want to blam it so much bc it makes fun of their hero, foamy. Screw them, keep it the humor man...

Nice movie man its a damn shame....

no one can just laugh when shits funny... Everyones gotta be offended because you made fun of poor foamy... *sniffle*
Nice work.

GDE responds:

thanks man you always vote good on my movies thanks.

It's funny cause it's true

I'm also a Neurotically Yours/Foamy fan and for the life of me even though I know it's jus gonna be another Foamy rant, I continue to watch and laugh as so I did at this....good stuff. Only thing it missed was Germaine who you coulda jus threw a wannabe in the background cause she seldomly makes a REAL appearance anymore (minus the Hospital stay chapters he did recently). Again...good stuff.

Point Well made

Point well made, not only that i thought your video despite being a mockary of foamy was acturally better.. Hell if you were really serious.. and did the things foamy didnt this could be a good series.


Sir, you make such a valid point. You are right. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

I thought it was funny : ), having seen almost every Foamy episode and not enjoying them very much at all.

I say you make fun of some other series. Anything but Madness, which is simply, the best series ever ever ever made.
