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Reviews for "- Holding On -"


Aight, let's do this. By request of Wyze-Stingray, haha, thanks man, good to know that my reviews are appreciated.

Good Things:
-Nice sitar and string integration.
-Synth was a nice touch I guess.
-Wanted to mention, loved the tone of the strings in this song.

Bad Things:
-Drums are lacking the impact that they should have.
-The snare just sounds kinda weird too, I would just stick with a clap or a regular snare beat.
-Bass could've been better. The weird hummy bass in the background just didn't fit very well.
-The synth was, I dunno, kinda TOO much in the front. Not sure what I'm trying to get at here but maybe you should've toned up the background melodies a bit more. Or it could've been that the melodies in the background just simply didn't sound full enough rather than loud enough. Some more reverb? To be honest, not sure... :P
-Sometimes the synth got a bit high-pitched like at around 2:45. But eh, easy to overlook.
-Hm, for a song like this I would've preferred an Arabian flute type thing to take the synth melody, I feel like it would've just suited the mood of the song better. But ya know, I'm a big fan of real instrument melodies rather than synth melodies so a personal preference I guess.

Nice job man, keep em' coming. 5/5, peace.

Not bad...

Not bad at all.

Unlike most rap/hip hop songs this one actually shows some true development.


hey, man great mix of sounds and rhythms!

Nice work man

But all the increasing of volume led me to believe there would be a huge explosion of sound at the end, to top off the amazing beats. was quite a bit too repetitive, but it was excelent none the less. And Superaverage, I would more so expect this to be in a hitman or mission impossible movie, when they decide to fight back, assembling weapons, and infiltrating bases. Killing zombies sounds too hardcore.


i've noticed that there aren't many REAL critics...but...im not one either...so...

1.good music
2. nice beat
3. a bit repetitive...0_o
4.Overall, its not bad. great job. 9/10, vote of 4.