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Reviews for "Samurai Honour"

That was just plain stupid!

It made me laugh out loud.
What the fuck is he riding on?

wallpaperman responds:

a giant weasel, duh

it was ok..

It was ok, i liked the tenchu 3 music :P

wallpaperman responds:

me too =)

i wanned the Whistler to win

it all was really cool, but the Whistler shudd win =)

"No tips to give"

wallpaperman responds:


Solid 5

Not much I can say, cept try and avoid the use of jpegs as much as possible, use bmp's to help you with your quality. Thats all i can say.

wallpaperman responds:



wow, 40 movie, huh? try goin for quality, not quantity.and besides, everybody and therer brothers cousin has made a movie with some sort of samurai theme. give us something entertaining like nudity or gunfights...

wallpaperman responds:

oh yeah, no ones made nudity or gunfights on NG