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Reviews for "zelda, behind the legend"

well it was long

i didnt really laugh but it was enjoyable to the end.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

yeah it´s deffinitly not one of my most funny work, but the best drawn till now and the first zelda one :S
THanks for the review

Very good flash

This is a very good flash the fighting the humor. But somtimes i get confused like the part where Link trips and starts rolling. It looked like he was going to dodge the tree. Anyway very good I like it etc. etc. Keep up the good work.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

the tree scene is still bad? i already had to redo that scene for 5 times..:S

Le fin?

Huh... I think it's more like... "La fin", since I speak french... But! :) It was very cool! The graphic style was good, but there's always a place to amelioration... ;) And, your version of link hitting the tree was good. Well, it's my opinion. The voice acting was very good but the sound quality was poor. Relly funny! Keep coming with more of this kind!

RogerregoRRoger responds:

i´m a nightmare at french , during my final exam i had to litterly look up every word in a dicionairy, it´s a miracle i gt a good rate in the end. Grammar sucks, im always wreslting with the le and la(male and female words or something) and then that shit if le and a are together is is du and argh... le fin sounded better, sorry about that mate.
Glad you liked the movie!

That was awesome

I think you guys did a good job it's probably one of the best things on this site. i think it's iggnorant to just base a reveiw on graphics i found this submission very entertaining.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

that´s a lo of 10´s..Woot, thanks!

Zeldas back

Ok, this is good, but is not front page material. Sorry buddy. I did enjoy it, i even got some laughs outa it, but it definately needs work in every category. Id give you a 2.5 but a 3 will have to do.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

yeah i am shocked to that it hit the frontpage, it was more of an experiment.Hanks for the review!