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Reviews for "FF: Warfare 8"


Crow here, I can't review on my other account so i'll review with this.

Graphics: You have slighty improved since your last episode. I do sorta like your HP system you have. Your fight scenes on te other hand are not impresive, infact, they are very boreing.

Style: Here is your worst subject. Your battles are very slow and medoicore. This is what I notice in mostly all of them.
- Fighters walk slowly to each other
- Swords clash together with a cheap generic clang sound
- One of them loses thier Weapons
- One of them says a dramtic line
You show no sign ofimprovment with each of these that comes out try to make the background more lifelike instead of a stationary screenshot.

Sound: I heard Chrono Cross and Secret of Mana in there and those have badass music tracks so you get some points there. BUT I took off points because you don't know how to stream music I mean 5 megs with a movie this short........

Interactivity: Well....you have buttons.....I also could not do anything in the game but attack.

Humor: This was not meant to be funny so 0.

Overall: I do admitt you have somewhat improved BUT lets face it anyone can do this all they have to know is to motion tween and make buttons. You need to play with FPS and make the whole area in the scene more life like (Tourchs actually moving, Birds Flying, Clouds Moving, ect) otherwise it just makes the scene boreing. Also try to go on more camra angles instead of it just in one place, like try to zoom in on characters and shiat. So my fianl verdict is a 5 it was good in some parts but overall made me want to close it of how boering it was.......

Not bad

You've certainly improved, but once again I have to ask you..put aside your FF7 bias for the sake of making this a better series. No, they don't have to lose, but it shouldn't be so easy for me to tell that your favorite FF is FF7, atleast among the FF games featured in your series.

If you were better, the series would either have me guessing at your favorite, or wrong all together, but unaware! I hope this is the case.

But your fights are getting much better and more entertaining to watch. Since you aren't likely to see my other reviews, I'll say it here. Look up Final Fighting Fantasy. Learn from it. It's the best FF flash series I've ever seen, and I can say this even when my favorite characters died cheaply (Setzer, Edgar)

HAcoreRD responds:

Advice taken...but my favorite FF if FF11 and FF5

I guess..

It shows that you put a lot of time into it, but...still...It's boring. And for those who haven't seen most of the other episodes, it's rather disjointed and hard to follow. Basically it's just a long series of sub-par fights. Work harder at forming a cohesive story and maybe you'll do better.

i dont like sprites

first off your game wasent working correctly it kept saying i was running away ,when i tried another action it selected them all and said i was running away again. Second, your graphic actions seem to come from a frame inside your main frame, maybe try fully extending it so that looks better. But im sure you put alot of work into this , good job at what you acomplished

i'm so tired of these

maybe i lack interest or this and all the others just like it are plain boring

HAcoreRD responds:

Lack of Interest