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Reviews for "The Spartan: part I"

Very sweet but...

the music, holy shit it feels like you got a retard to pick the music for this excellent movie. Seriously you should resubmit this with better music, because for one you're trying to give us an authentic feel by using the greek language, and it does give an authentic feel but it also loses it because of the music that you put in, its very unfitting, I suggest search for music by
Howard Shore -Lord of the Rings
Hans Zimmer - Last Samurai, The Rock, Gladiator
James Horner - Troy, Glory, Willow


I thought that was a pretty neat idea. Those poor Spartans and thiers ways of going up into evil death and what-not


Wow, at first it reminded me alot of the uppcoming movie King Arthur. I like the music you chose, really fitting, and the story was really interesting. It was a great cliffhanger, I can't wait for the next one. By the way, will the daughter be involved in the future episodes? Considering all this is suppose to be her fault. Hope you make your episoded have multi-plots that merge into one, but if not thats okay too. Keep up the good work, and please make more!!


A good animation overall, Just a few little technical issues though.

1. why the archers? I do believe that Spartans very rarely used archers, if at all, they believed that archery was much less honerable than hoplite battle. plus the greeks of that time did not have a long tradition of archery that enabled them to have large numbers of skilled archers.

2. Change the monsters to look more well, "greek"
the beasts of greek mythology were mostly animal oriented, (e.g. hydra, chimera, cerberus etc...) while yours look far too much like some sort of modern zombie, especially with the modern spiked armour, which really ruins the greek theme.
In the next on I suggest making them more animal based, in other words just make them look more like animals and less like people.

3. This is addressed to "renagade51".
A) The spartans did have kings, however they were watched over by some sort of council to ensure that they did not stray from the Spartan ways. but were not the same sort of kings as later medieval ones.

B) How were Spartens not greek? Just because ancient greece was not one country as it is today doesn't mean the seperate city-states cannot be considered greek. what other name is there for that area other than greece.

anyway, rant over! & a good animation, keep it up!


Nice work but. It was supposed to be 5th century B.C. , But the guy says Jesuz when he sees the one dead spartan.

Unless you put that as a joke. very nice work