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Reviews for "Livecorpse's Last Movie"

Here's what I think.

Just because this author is dead and this is his 'final film' (even though it isn't finished) doesn't mean it needs to be automatically protected. It's as if you don't want people who might think this is bad to give their opinion on it.

Anyway, the animation was bland. Just mindless violence all around that I didn't care about. Sound was bitching though. It wasn't even finished though. So I'm not holding back. This wasn't good.


i think this submission shows the deep issues adam had when he was alive, its always sad when someone dies and in this way its much worse for all his family and friends, but this movie has an insite into his mind and u can see how close to the edge he was, this wasnt just a violent movie, it was from the imagination of someone who seems to be on the edge of sanity.

Look, Just because Livecorpse has passed away

Doesn't mean that he should be worshipped like some sort of underrated genius, cos he wasn't. All his cartoons (including this one) all deal with drugs, depravity and extreme violence. Without any sense of style, direction, humour or satire. Just senseless sickness.
The majority of the people who gave this a high mark are the people who are jumping on the bandwagon, kissing this dead guy's arse and thinking that his cartoons are awesome, (wake up and smell the roses you muppets!) I bet not even half the people who stick up him (and even for what he did) even know him!
The people who gave this a low mark realise what this is all about:- puerile, tiwsted garbage.
Livecorpse will be missed by his friends, family and loved ones (NOT including you prats on Newgrounds)but I guarantee you, his animation certainly won't!

There's no easy way to say this...

...So I'll get straight to the point: I really think this was a stupid move. The flash is nothing spectacular, of course, that can be expected from a flash that isn't completed. I'm not ripping on the quality per-say of LC's work, as I'm sure the movie would seem a bit less blamworthy if it was completed. However, despite the fact that I KNOW people will burn me for having this opinion, I think it was very stupid to post this flash here. I watched this flash on a visit to LC's site. The flash wasn't finished, but it was being showcased as a "current project" or something like that, meaning "this is what I'm working on, it's not done yet, don't expect it to be" so it was fine there. To see it, knowing that he would never complete it, it kind of got to me. It belongs on that site, yes, it fits there on HIS site. That site is essentially a hall of memories of him. And this flash works, as a sort of memory of him. But putting it on Newgrounds for people to vote on is rather stupid. It is unfinished, and not really that great, so you have people who are giving sympathy votes (which isn't really fair to living authors), and then you have people voting it down which kind of urinates on LCs legacy. A bad move all around. I respect the dead as much as God wants me to, I will not treat LC any worse now that he's dead than I would have if I knew him when he was alive, but gold-plating toilet paper just because he wiped his ass with it is not the way to go. Those of you who knew him remember him well, and many of us mourn his death, but whoever came up with the idea to put this flash in the portal (sadly, even if it was Tom Fulp himself), I must harshly disagree with your judgement.

wasnt my cup of tea

now i dont know if it bad to say i think this is really easy and rather talentless. i didnt really like it and i dont really care for much of the submissions brought forward by you or those affilisted with you on this site.

however i am sorry you lost a friend.
