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Reviews for "Livecorpse's Last Movie"


Honestly, the animation wasn't that great. It wasn't horrible; at least he had more talent than a lot of the crap artists that post here. But it wasn't outstanding. The content, too, was mostly senseless drugs and violence. There wasn't a whole lot of a point to it.

What's with you people?

Most of you think this sucks and it shouldn't be here. Well let me say a little something. Livecorpse had style. His movies are good, and we people that have voted high, aren't trying to kiss up to him, we voted that way because it deserves those votes. So if you think it sucks and that it needs to be removed well more power to ya. The people like me and DarkonZ3 will fight to keep it here where it belongs. So bitch about how we're trying to kiss up to a deceased guy all you want. Because we know why his movies are here. Cause they are good.

And also before you people bitch about how my name has only been on here like 4 days let me tell you something. Since I have never been good with flash I had never signed up. I've visited this site religiously for over a year. I hadn't signed up until now cause of my poor flash skills and the good movies & games that were here. I signed up to rid this place of the crap that's been comming in.


Livecorpse's movies actually do have a style. Many users say "don't vote high just because he is dead." Well, fine, vote low. And for your information, Livecorpse's submissions will be missed. Why do you think so many made it through the portal? Another note to the vast of the misinformed: Adam, with a knife, poked an angry drunken man with who was breaking into his house to get alcohol. That man called the police. When they arrived an officer had gotten in his house. Out of fear, and with gun in hand, Adam shot blindly at the officer who stood in front of him. He then took off and had SWAT and police dogs chasing after him. He remembered the cry of the officer who had been shot and regretted it. Knowing that he wouldn't survive in jail with his illness, and thinking that what he had mistakably done was worth more than his own life, he decided to take it.

sorry i missed something here

I have never been a fan of livecorpse and so haven't heard what has happened and unless it was bad this really shouldn't be doing this well.

I wonder..

how well this would have done if it wasn't under livecorpse's name? Don't get me wrong I allways liked his style, maybe if he got the chance to finish it, it would have seemed more rounded. If this wasn't released as 'Livecorpse's last movie' I don't think it would have survived the portal because the animation clearly wasn'r finished.