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Reviews for "victory is a foot away .5"


i'm impressed ur movie's stayed on. y didn't u finnish it- r u still gonna update it, id luv 2 c wot it looks like finnished coz it fucks me off that it aint!

good start

the art is good, improve the animation and voiceover quality and your good to go

Ok submission

Decient enough try so you earned a 5/5. But that yellow text on the lite blue background at the begining was a horrible idea.

not bad

not bad for a first submission. i kinda like where this was going. some of the font color didnt go with the background and made it hard to read. also soundeffects would have been nice, especially during the parachute scene. either improve the voice acting or leave it out and just use the subtitles. but not bad for a first submission, i would like to see you finish it


Best Part of the movie: the ghetto music kicked and the ghetto background looked great for simple graphics.

Worst Part of the Movie: somehow a bum can alert the national guard and other ranking forms of government authority by robbing a Footlocker and easily killing 3 officers, two of which were unrealisticly done.

WTF Element of the movie: There was no ending.

Overall: I hate that style of animation. You and about a hundred NG animators think it's so cool to have ARMS that do not attatch to the BODY! I'm sick of that style! It's incredibly lazy and very aggravating to watch. This movie would be so much better if you would change that style. Try again and with a little more effort and plot I'll give you a ten.