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Reviews for "Jesus vs Muhammad Trailer"

Do the Pope

If you did the Pope Vs. Muhammad that would be funny. But not Jesus vs. Muhammad! Jesus is the Son of God! According to Muslim believes Muhammad was a prophet! Their is a difference between Son of God, and Prophet... now if you did the Pope, that might make me, even as a Christian want to see it.

Now Jesus told us to love others because we are going to Heaven, while Muhammad tells us to kill and hate others to get into Heaven!

Which do you prefer?

Or an even better Idea would be:
Mel Gibson Vs. Muhammud! That would be hillarious.

Anyway, if you use Jesus in it, you can be sure that you'll never see me watch it.

HumbleEgo responds:

First off, it is my understanding that most Muslims regard Jesus as a prophet. You're whole Son of God bit is irrelavant. We're keeping Jesus and please don't watch it. BTW, why did you watch it with JC in the first place, jackass?


ok. i am christain. but uhh, this flash was animated OK.

overall 1/10

i hope the full version is better

this movie is offensive and you cant justify it with a warning, the fact that you made it is offensive. but it any the graphics were absolutly horrible. i hope the full versions improve dramaticly. Plus if you were going for humor I didn't see it. and lastly the title of the movie gives away the ending which makes no point in watching the full version...if there is one.

oh my god

if you're making muhammed (peace and blessings of allah be upon him) look like a ass may allah pursuade you to not hate islam. thanks 4 not being a asshole.

not good....

was it worth sacrafasing your life, for something this bad? i mean...you bether hope no muslims find your identety, becose , for some muslims, to draw Muhammed, makes you on the top killing-list.....Something scandinavian drawers have experiensed too wel.

Im not a heter......but others are