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Reviews for "Jesus vs Muhammad Trailer"

wow kool..

very, very, good flash, great animation you got a lot of skill. Cant wait to see the whole thing. Keep it up! Btw Im an aithiest, so i got apretty good kick out of this, but to all you people who are getting a little up tight about this calm down it's a freaking cartoon!!!

cool idea, but some people aren't getting it.....

there are some people out there that really need to lighten up. I've read through most of the reviews so far and appparently there are an equal amount of christians and muslims out there who seem to want death apon someone...

First I'd like to say to everyone who seems want death to all muslims, look at your own religion. The muslims that are killing others by killing themselves are radicals and really don't reflect the entire religion (in fact, they don't even break 10% of the pop.) And it's not like Christianity is any better. I mean, the last time westerners invaded any part of Muslim land was the Crusades, and they did so buy slattering TENS of THOUSANDS of innocent people in the "name of God." (sounds as stupid as killing "in the name or Allah" doesn't it). Even today, RADICAL christians kill people haphazardly for what they believe in, such as the guy who blew up a hospital cause it had an abortion clinic. I'm not defending those who are killing, i'm just saying don't assossiate good people to them just cause they're muslim

Secondly, I'm not going to pretend I know about the Islamic religion, but I'm pretty sure neither Muhammad nor Allah wants you killing anyone just cause they drew a picture of the great Prophet. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but threatening to kill isn't going to make you a holy person.....just saying.

Lastly, everyone's got to relize that this is just a joke. From what i understand, we were all created in God's image (it doesn't matter which you believe in, he's the same guy); meaning if we have a sense of humor and can laugh at ourselves instead of getting defensive, then so can he.



Speaking as a Christian...

I gotta say this was laugh out loud funny.

The Madman Messiah? Comedy Gold!
The Wrecka from Mecca? ROTFLMFAO!!!

I can't wait to see the full deal.

Now then, as for these Nazi's "claiming" to be Christians. I administer the Holy Jesus Pimp Slap of Stop-being-an-ignorant-douchebag to the back of your head. I bequeath the Shekinah Sucka' Punch of STFU-you-hypocrite the face of the idiot father who raised you and I deliver the Bethlehem Body Slam to the mother who gave birth to you.

You idiots are an embarrassment to Jesus, the Church and the Christian faith.

As for the Muslims getting all bent out of shape over the image of Muhammed being shown. Meh...I figure God couldn't care less about something so trivial. Humans, however, get their underwear in a bunch over some seriously stupid things.

I mean for God's sake! It's a freaking cartoon and you're making DEATH THREATS??!! Way to represent Islam genius.

it boggles the mind

A good preview, a bold statement. Excellent animation. I guess the greatest irony is getting death threats from peeps over this. I think if I got a death threat from a person I would question if they understood their religion at all - but I guess man cannot escape his base instincts of being afraid of new things and ignorance where a mob mantality is involved. Keep up the great work ^^