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Reviews for "Jesus vs Muhammad Trailer"


that was great! Seriously!

Nicely animated

YOu killed me with the send hatemail button, but plz show who wins the fight, or at least make a win situation for both of em, i don't care, at least make it a fair fight, so everyone is happy!!

eh heh heh

Jesus rocks ass cause he's the holy savior and Muhammed was a man who was spoken to by the lord and had strange attacks where he would pass out and get a message from him or something like that. but he had to be a person at one point or another so he had to look like something. Holy GOD get over it and back to your lives. Fucknuts people piss me off.
P.S. my moneys on jesus. in the first round.shutout

Hmm. Tricky.

Difficult one to rate, lol, since I'm going to be looking at this from two viewpoints.

First off, looking at it purely as a flash animation - nicely done. Slick style, nice animation, and the voice acting, though brief, fitted in well. A good flash.

Now, from the world view - I can totally understand why this has rubbed people up the wrong way. Well, I can see why it would rub Muslims up the wrong way - and that's purely because you've shown Muhammad. The Muslim faith forbids any imagery of Muhammad (I'm not muslim, so it's no skin off MY nose, I'm just pointing it out) - and as such, this is guaranteed to cause offense - I'm curious, if the creator of this flash consulted a Muslim friend, about why that friend wouldn't mention it. Especially after the outcry about a certain European comic that I'm sure we've all heard about. The christians who have commented that this is an unoffensive material are missing the point - it's not offensive from YOUR viewpoint, perhaps, but you guys aren't the only ones involved here.

But anyhoo - from a dispassionate viewpoint, a well made flash. From a general view - wasn't really a good idea.

Oh, and before people start flaming my review, I'm just stating the facts here.

Good, good stuff.

I really don't understand what the fuss is all about. I mean, there's nothing there! It's a well-animated silly little trailer. Sheesh! Chill the hell out!