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Reviews for "KILLER KAZUKI"


what the hell man that fucking rock but did you get a bit lazy with the backgrounds because your drawingss rock but the back grounds were just pictures


That was the best movie I've seen all week! Nice piece of work you have here! Make more!!!!!!!


i cant believe it,i was gonna say a whole lot of stuff about ur movie but...viktor seems to read minds couse he took the words outa my mouth!!!!!!
Its incredible how u can make flash and ur a great artist but cmon!!!!! demonic uzis???? a dude allmost dying in the end and comming back????dude thats sooooo freaking old!!!!!! its cliche!!!!!! passe!!!!!!why dont u use ur talent to make a flash movie thats
1.not so awfully cliche
2.that has a good story line and own drawn backgrounds
3;a lil tip from me:im noty a flash artist but i can tell u should put some more atention to the story and spend time making your own backgrounds!
i think i speak sor all of the people reading when i say:u have talent,dont waste it!!!

Only worth the eye candy, if that.

The only redeaming quality about this flash is the graphics. Otherwise it's really not good. Very predictable, which isn't always bad. But, damn the dialogue made George W. look like a master public speaker. Oh well, worth the eye candy just turn of your speakers if you don't want to totally hate it. Character devolpment could have been better too.

Not Bad

Hey this was pretty good, i liked it alot better when the guy turned.

im giving you a 3 out of 5 tho, because ..... HE OPENED THE FRIGGIN SEWER WITH A DAMN MACHINE GUN....

that was pretty gaytastic