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Reviews for "Unfinished Symphony Pt 2"


Really nice, I liked this.

One of the things that seemed to get to me was the high pitched piano sample. It really seemed to overpower some of the other sounds.

Good stuff.

:suprised face:

An overall nice track, with some small flaws.

Let me start by saying that I didn't really enjoy the intro. It felt really empty in comparison to the end of part one, but when the beat kicked in, it fit together perfectly.

I don't know though.. it sounds pretty good, but the low piano notes don't really belong in there, and there's that strange 'noise' in the background which doesn't sound good at all! (I hope it's my headset screwing up all of a sudden) - Because it's a very nice song without it!

Looking forward to the next installment.

7/10 (8 if the 'noise' turns out to be my headset.}

~ La_Yinn, --'
[Review Request Club]

Chymo responds:

Thanks for replying to my review request. I sort of know what you mean by the intro, but it was meant to sound like it followed on from the previous song. What noise in the background? I didn't add any sort of sound effects, apart from the ones at the very start.


The intro here is different than in the first part, but it works as well (I like the intro of the first part a bit better, though).

It's nice that you use the intro melody later on in the song, too.
I also like how you slowly add more and more instruments, it builds the song up pretty nicely.

However, this song doesn't create the same dense atmosphere as the first part. The only catchy melody is the intro theme, that's not enough for me.

{ Review Request Club }

Chymo responds:

Thanks for the comment. I know what you mean about it not having the same atmosphere, that's probably because the first one definately had more emotion behind it. I'm gonna make up for it with the next part.

pretty decent

simplistic to start, got progressively better, but three minutes with the same simple undertone gets a touch repetitive, the piece lacked flair while it was ending, which I suppose goes well with the sad theme, but I didn't much care for it, I loved the drums, just add more to the undertone

.:Review Request Club:.

Chymo responds:

Cheers. Yeah it seems people don't like the ending.