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Reviews for "A.Z.N Pride"

great song, better movie!

i loved the song to begin with, and this is just such a perfect take on it. excellent work.

Best AzN Pride flash yet

first of all.. absolut_rocker, he didn't steal the song, he even said he didn't knoe who made it or where it came from, and didn't even credit himself for the song
it was a song made by a group called AzN Pride,

but anyway, this AzN pride flash was the best i've ever seen compared to the 100's of others out there, keep up the good work man

it was great

I enjoyed this movie.

Funny i liked the song but

is was fucking up a really good tupac song (see profile he's is on my top 3)

good visiuals

and im from NYC (itilian) i no you guys have your gangs, but can i be honest? I wasn't not near as scared of fucking with them as the mexcians or the suits...
(suit wear mafio of any race)

i felt the 3 vs 1 thing far more with the mexicans


yes lets thank the asians for their contributions that make society "better", such as techno! OH BOY! TECHNO! OH BOY AGAIN: JAPANESE TECHNO! a keeno hashhee cha ceeno hakee ko-hana chi DODGEBALL keeno keeno keeno keeno. a-hem. Techno sucks balls. CONTRIBUTION # 2! ANIME!!!!! OH BOY ANIME PWNZ Abjhakbfbhalkjhfj. yeah right all anime does is produce dumb fanboys that make flash and webcomics that just steal other peoples ideas, and it makes nerds feel powerful (a very bad thing), and it makes everyond wink and do peace. oh god.

Asians are cool dont get me wrong.

PS the animation/song was good too >< <----NYHEHEH ANIME