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Reviews for "Infamous Freestyle"

pretty good

nice job not many peopl can rap let alone sing


This is terrible, stop trying you wannabe.

Protocol2319 responds:

Homie you trippin' you jealous of my flow.
Just get down on all fours and give me a blow.

My ears have died and gone to heaven

That sir, was the greatest song I have ever heard. Don't listen to all these people who say you are immature and whatnot. You my friend, are the greatest rapper alive, period. You rock, and I can't wait to hear the full version. I might even use it in a flash. Good job.

Protocol2319 responds:

Finally, someone who appreciates me, thank you homie, and peace out to yaz, I just wizzish there wuz more homiez in da world as pimpin' as you.

The beat was good

But your voice needs to be a lot deeper. Well, Eminem has a high girly voice, maybe you can pass.

fo shizzle

dat beat was pro yo

Protocol2319 responds:

fo' sho yo