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Reviews for "Your First Game Tutorial"

Once again, another "Good" tutorial.

The graphics were just some boxes filled with actionscript, which is usually what you see in a tutorial, but I cant give you a high rating for it. Its pretty easy to follow, although you could show more deatailed steps. Like my last review, I am already past this, but its for more of the n00bish type, which everyone is at one time.

I remember watching your other submission yesterday, and giving it a 10 in humor, so once again I give you a 10 in humor for the voice acting. Your voice is clean, good job on that. Im giving you perfect in effort and voice, the voice could be a lot worse.

Effort: 5/5
Voice Acting: 5/5

luminousnerd responds:

:D thanks

gr8 tutorial

it was gr8 but i still cant make a damn game, my dude just falls thru the ground, if u can help me plz do so....

luminousnerd responds:

email me


Yet another great tutorial! Your voice, again, was clear and easy to understand; however, you spoke a little fast and it became difficult to keep up.

A little something that may improve upon your future tutorials: first off, you tell the user to try out a certain lesson, then the tutorial pauses and when the user is at the same point and ready to go on, he or she can just click on a button to move on with the rest of the scene or lesson.

Just keep making them and I'll try and keep up!

luminousnerd responds:

Lol, not sure I understood that, but glad you like them

Nice work, but needs text

It's a pretty good tutorial, except keep in mind that the reason why most tutorials are text-based is because it's better to have text and scrolling than sound. People can check back to text whenever they want to, copy it, etc, and can skip past it whenever they want - e.g. if they just want to get to a certain part. Plus, it's easy to understand. However, if there's sound, they can't skip through it easily to the part they want - they have to sit through the voice, and hope they hear the bit they're interested in. If they miss it, they have to start all over again. Also, some people find it hard to understand some accents, and some microphones are bad quality - that doesn't happen with text.

Nice tutorial. But use text next time, not your voice.

luminousnerd responds:

I wouldn't say it's BETTER, per se. But yea, I got kind of lazy as far as typing things out. In the future I'll probably be script-driven, in which case I can just copy and paste the script. Thanks for the suggestion, though.


ok im a noob at flash anything and i was cunfused before but not im even more confused....should have payed attention.... anywayz itt was good

luminousnerd responds:

ok try to learn English though bud...
thanks though