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Reviews for "Reasoner- Ticking Away"

A definite hit!

I loved it man. I think it's the progression of the piece that makes this so much fun to listen to. Just when you think it's really starting to pick up, it drops into a more mellow way of things. The smooth beat there in the middle just sort of envelops you, and then pulls you back into the more up beat, toe-tapping, atmosphere of the beginning. I can't comment on the mastering, seeing as I have no experience there and really don't know what all that refers to, but as far as exploring territory outside that comfort zone of yours, I'd say do it more often! It was definitely a success!

Reasoner responds:

Thanks for the review. The track really hit home with me once I got to about the middle of the progression. I'm agreeing with everyone at this point that the mastering needs work, but i appreciate you still enjoying the sound and textures of the track. Thanks again!

My, you outdone yourself.

Wow, no words to express how well done this track was. The tempo was steady and calm and everything fitted in place. It felt like you were inside the music, already dancing to the beat, feeling everything throughout the song.

This seems to a different genre on you're part as well, this is always a great thing. You're experimenting which is always a plus side.

I have a lot of things to say, so I'll combine into parts.

Part 1: Beginning
Wow, I just loved everything about it, it started to build up very nicely and it came out really well. As new instruments started to get introduced it kept me glued to the wicked beats.

Part 2: Middle
Wow, here comes all the beats forming seamlessly into a melodic rhythm. This part was really great, I have so much too say about it, but I'll say it all in Part 4.

Part 3: End-Middle
Everything is starting to calm down now, the soft instruments playing in the background made this part powerful, I could really feel what you're trying to depict, I was impressed by this.

Part 4: End
Everything is ending, all the instruments started to fall silent, and it's over. Now that's 4+ minutes of music to my ears. Overall, throughout listening to the whole track, I wasn't disappointed at all. Even though you have said in you're description that this wasn't "mastered" well I'll just say this:


Thanks for the message about this, I really took my time in this review, I hope you enjoyed what I thought about it.

Take care.

Reasoner responds:

Many thanks and gratitude man for taking the time to review this. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it as much as you did considering it's not typical ambient piano stuff. I did try to make the track as interesting as possible, which is why there are lot of transitions throughout the song. I really felt like this was not a melodic piece, but more of a harmonic arrangement of different ideas and textures that I tried to blend together to form one overall impression. Thanks for the kind words and I always look forward to your reviews!

Yay, new song!

And I have to say, it was great ! :D

Great song.

Just so people know, certain flash authors on external sites link the mp3 in the flash directly to the Newgrounds download link, making the swf file smaller, and putting less load on their servers. This causes Newgrounds to think that there is another download for every play of that flash. When it becomes popular, the download count increases rapidly.

Just FYI.

What happened with the downloads though???