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Reviews for "(NUB)Never Know How I Feel"

wallygamer dude

that was deep man.. lol (good song btw)

This is what the song is saying to me.

I see myself in this song, I was pretty much constantly picked on in school, from elementary all the way to my senior year in high school, I am now in my third year of college, the ridicules have become more infrequent. but I still feel the pain of all those years of bieng tormented in grade school. I do not easily let go of such things.

I wish I could go back and show each and every one of those bullies exactly how I felt about their constant tortureing of me. I do not wish for them to feel pity, I just wish for them to know how I felt. I want them to know that they have caused me to grow a harder heart towards the rest of humanity, how I am timid to make new friends, afraid that they will just use me until I have no more use left, then I am thrown away, put down.

I am a kind person normally, I do try to help whenever possible, I try to leave a good first impression on everyone I meet, those who picked on me always chose something about me to make fun of, whether it is my height, my voice patterns, the tone of my voice, my disabilities... I am not "normal" to them, that is the cause of ridicule I think. It did not stop when I left grade school, it happened at where I used to work as well.

I still could do nothing about it because in the eyes of the manager, the one who was doing the bullying was the one that could "do no wrong" it got to a point to where my anger started causing me physical maladies such as major acid reflux, headaches and general uneasiness. I wanted to quit, to find some way out of the madness, I was afraid that if I didn't do something soon I would snap, my dad would not let me just outright quit, he wanted me to find another job, I know his intentions were good but I just could not take it any longer, no one else was hiring at the time.

I am glad to say that I have left working at that living hell to follow my chosen path, to become a Computer Animator and an independant film maker. I do have a job right now, but I am going to find another that further is involved in what I am striving for...

This is what this song has said to me. I hope those that read this understand what I am trying to say.


Really like the flow of this song. A nice beat and beautiful melody. Conveys a different feeling than most of your songs. Tis a good sound to have in your musical arsenal. You're arsenal is one of the bigger ones I've seen aswell. I'm tempted to come up with something to sing with this. But I think it's perfect as it is already. :P

nubbinownz responds:

You know I love your voice, and if you were to put vocals to this song i'd be more than honored to hear it. Thank you for all the support that you've given me jester. It really does mean alot to me.


I love the piano throughout the song... I see you got away from the glitch type drums, lol. Nice change of pace for you.

It's a very relaxing song... Just makes me wanna turn off all the lights and listen.


nubbinownz responds:

Yes, I wanted this to be more of a relaxing dancey type song, rather than the chaotic drum beats that I usually use. Thank you very much man!

i lub nub

nice freakin stutter piano

nubbinownz responds:

<3 hehe thank you! :D stutter piano is FUN!