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Reviews for "Sorrow Knows Many Names"


i enjoyed it to an extent i would like to know how this is done =] because i have tons of good songs that are stuck in my head and i wanna put them up on here. also the song is good not to my tast but it did catch my attentition

MusicMyOxygen responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now the way I have been recording is not one I would neccesarily suggest, but if your just looking to get your stuff out there here is what I have been doing. I got my hands on computer mic from my friend, and plug it into my laptop. Then I had been recording it on Windows Movie Maker as a narration. Recently however I came across a free recording-type program called Audacity and I downloaded it and used it for this song. Now it is not fantastic, but it is free. And since you dont have to pay you can't really complain.

However, I'm looking for a better way to record as we speak. Nobody has helped me with any suggestions yet, but as soon as I find a better way to record I'll try to somehow let you know.

Well developed.

Hey, nice to hear another song from you! This is definitely an improvement from your last song. The presence of chords helps a lot. I really like the repetitions/patterns you use in the background during this song. I also enjoyed the contrast between the low bass and the high melody. Adds an interesting effect.

There were definitely a couple mishaps in the middle part, but I don't blame you for that, there's no way I could play this nearly as well. But perhaps recording separate sections individually would make this easier to get right? Like instead of going through the entire song, record a section until it's perfect, record the next sections, and then link them together?

You also mentioned that the recording quality was not very good, and I would have to agree. Something sounds a little off about the sound, although I'm not sure what. I think the notes might sound a little too "crisp" or something. Oddly enough, the recorded piano sounds more unnatural to me than synthesized piano. I think that this song could blow me away if I were standing next to you playing it, but the quality takes something away from this. Maybe I'm just being picky, but I really felt that the piano could have came through better (I know good mics are expensive, so I understand that there's not much you can do).

Besides these points, I feel that this is a very strong piece in general. I liked the trills, the melody, the chord progressions. The different sections made the song fit very well with the title, although at 2:26 I actually thought the song had ended because it was such a long rest with no noise at all. Perhaps if you held down the notes all the way until you went into the faster section it would alleviate this disjointedness. (Although I like the effect you were going for).

And about disjointedness... I feel like some sustain pedal during this song would have added a lot. It would add a seam that connected all the notes so that the song would sound much smoother. Just my two cents.

Now, I'm no music expert, so probably not all of my constructive criticism is valid and/or deserved. Please don't let my comments discourage you. Overall, I thought the piece was great! I was just letting you know how I thought you could make it even better.

Again, I look forward to more music from you. Next time, however, please send me a PM if you want to get a review faster. I rarely check the responses to my news posts, and that's why it took me 4 days to listen to this.

On a side note, you also mentioned that you were interested in more music from me. Well, I've recently uploaded a new piece "When the Fighting Stops" so please check it out if you have time. Thanks.


MusicMyOxygen responds:

Your comments dont discourage me at all, rather I am thankfull for such a brilliant and well thought out review. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.
About the mishaps. Feel free to blame me as I could have continued recording over again untill I got it right. The fact of the matter is that I am lazy. Also, I was really anxious to get ths song out there and as soon as possible, therefore I spent less time doing the recordings so I could submit it. And there were actually more mishaps than in the middle, but the listener probably would not know that unless they knew how I intended some of the more minute things to sound. Thanks for the suggestion of recording pieces of the song and putting them together, and as soon as I figure out how to do that on the program I am using to record I'll definately try it.
As to the quality it is most likely the mic causing it. I have obtained some money and that will be one of the things I'm looking into buying, along with many other things. If anyone has a suggestion on what mic to buy, I am open..no, begging for any suggestions.
Sustain pedal...yeah, um, (and I may sound like a complete retard saying this) I wasnt entirely sure how to go about using it. I mean, I know what its for, just wasn't entirely sure how to apply it to my pieces. Before people say "Oh my God he wasn't sure how to apply something as simple as a sustain pedal?!?!" let me explain. Despite what you hear in this song, I have little, let me rephrase that, barely any experience on the piano. Before writing this I had touched a keyboard only a few times, and I had no idea as to the notes on the piano or really much about the piano in general for that matter (and I still don't know that much now). But I play the guitar and saxophone, and had that connection of how I wanted it to sound. I started playing, it started flowing, thus the composing of this piece begun. This is the first entire piece I have ever played on piano, as well as the first I have played by memory.
Yea thanks for the heads up I'll definately PM next time. Once again, thank you for this review and I'll definately check your song out, I can only hope any review I leave will be nearly as helpful as this.

Very well composed!

I like the build up around 0:50 although its a subtle build up and it doesn't build up to something explosive, instead it relieves and soothes, i can feel the emotions emanating from this piece , and i even noticed a small trip up at 3:08 but who cares, right? this song is still very expressive

MusicMyOxygen responds:

First off, thank you for the review and taking the time to listen to my song. I am glad you could feel the emotion, as that was my sole purpose in composing and playing this song and I tried to lace every note with as much as possible. Forgive me for any trip ups, mess-ups, volume issues.. the list goes on. As time goes on I am considering re-recording this when I can make the time to do so. To say it is very well composed is a huge compliment to me as I have never up untill a short time ago considered myself even an amateur composer, so I thank you for that as well.

Pretty good.

A point off because it was very quiet because even though my speakers were turned all of the way up I had a hard time hearing most of it. I just made sure it was quiet in the room that I was in and listened carefully. (I also have pretty bad hearing) It was pretty good all the way through. When it picked up towards the end it may have been a bit messy, but other then that a pretty good audio submission. Good job.


~ Review Request Club ~

MusicMyOxygen responds:

Thanks. I understand about the quietness though, so I can't blame you. And yes, I messed up once when the tempo picked up, thank you for taking the time to notice. I'm glad you thought it was pretty good.

its ok

its pretty good that relly all i have to say

MusicMyOxygen responds:

Thank you for the review.