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Reviews for "Passion Of The Christians"

It was kind of funny...

It wasn't offensive at all..it was more funny then anything but the film itself sucked. I couldn't tell if you were against or with christians...

lucky to get a 4

dude go get him the coke.. and after that run away and dont make another movie.. plz

Needs better delivery

Most style problems can be overlooked when the movie is really funny. I think what hurt you most is the timing between bits of dialouge. It felt like I needed to prompt the next person to speak. It also sounds like someone reading from a script more than actual voice acting. The part I liked the most was Peter Jackson getting mad about "The Passion" getting more Oscars that ROTK.

For all I know you started this before that episode of South Park aired so I didn't take that into consideration into the style score. The penis waiting in line is why that is so low; that was just weird.

But I don't think that you were approving the reactions to the movie, otherwise you'd have gotten 0 overall.

marv_elloos: Not that it's important but 1 in a billion is a bit exaggerated. Didn't Whitney Huston hang out with a community of Black Hebrew Israelites when she went to Israel? So there's more than 6.


OMG, IT R MAKE FNU OF TEH CRISTINS OMG OMG LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!1111111111111111 IT R GOOD CUZ IT HAZ A PENIS IN IT AND ITS SO FUKIN FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 ALL CRISTINS R NAZIS CUZ I DONT LIKE CHURCH!!!!!!!111

The beginning was kinda funny. I knew I would disagree with the premise, and I tried to be objective. However, agree with him or not this is total flash garbage.

I was drawing better pictures with crayons at a young age. This is right up there with animutations, graphics wise. You then proceed to mix these awful little crayon drawings with poorly slashed-in photos. It was pathetic, although exactly what your longtime fans should expect.

The sound was recorded in some kind of tin can. As far as flash movies go it's about par. It's obvious that one guy did all the voices, but limited resources can be a factor. The music (what there was of it) was pretty awful, but it's not really my kind of music so I won't mark off for that.

It was violent up the wazoo. Children were killed because their parents left them in their cars. A moviegoer kills a jew with his bare hands. It's sickening violent, but at least it's so crappily drawn that it isn't realistic.

This brings me to the last points, the clinchers. Humor and style. This was sorta funny in a few places, but just resorted to shock value for most of it's effect. Portraying everyone who watches a movie (which I can only assume you've never seen) as a buck-toothed, racist hick is only amusing to those in the fourth grade or under. It was unbelievably low-brow, which I usually don't mind so long as it makes me laugh. This didn't even come close. You used the same exact joke two or three times. Basically, you threw a bunch of unrelated slurs together, rendered them into some sort of missile, spun around three times, and shot at the Christians.

Overall, it's awful. Don't even waste your time watching it. I won't vote 0, but I'll be damned if I'm giving you more than a 1. This was such a total waste of time that I felt it needed a nice, long review to warn off the next guy. Just save yourself some time and flip a coin. If heads, vote 1. If tails, vote 0. There. That's over with.

not really that much fun as I expected...

Well I expected something much funnier. THe PAssion of the Christ is just nothing more then to make fun @ it. Just such a shame, because it could've been so much better