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Reviews for "Squirrel Squash 2"


get the things out of the way of the view! theres like 4 things constantly in the way, and its incredibly irritating. good lord... its hardly even a game. 5 more minutes and i would have gone into seizures.


Well, this game wasnt to bad but certainly not good... No idea how this made front page, could have been ALOT better maybe you guys should put alittle more thought and effort into games before you dish them out, but overall i guess some people could like it....

Not what I expected...

It was either Abraham Lincoln or my mom who said, "Don't judge a book by its cover." It really doesn't matter who as each were equally distant in my childhood creating the need for years of therapy but moving on...

With a name like "Squirrel Squash 2" *two* thoughts coincidentally entered my mind; the first being 'there was a squirrel squash 1!?!' and the other that I was going to actually squash squirrels. Yeah, I was expecting some sort of graphic whack-a-mole game. You know, only with squirrels and blood. Now imagine my disappointment...

Really, this was Sonic the Hedgehog with a squirrel Japanimation references. Ever hear of being John Malkovich, you know being in the head of John Malkovich. I would liken this to more of being in the head of a crazed Japanimaiton animator -it ought to be renamed "Being Wiesi the Japanimator." Or something.

I'm going to go get drunk and pass out in the hot sun now.

Wiesi-Mausland responds:

Wiesi the Japanimator hahahaha yea so whats the problem?

Hmmm.... not really something that I liked

It's not exactly a game I liked. Yeah, the graphics where nice, and the sound was alright. But making a squirrel run fast like sonic just wasn't my thing.

not your finest work

I'm not trying to be mean or anything. You're an awesome flash artist, no doubt about it, but to be honest this game was not good. I'm willing to bet that the score this game is currently recieving is due largly to the fact that your the creator of the Frank's Adenture series. I am willing to bet that if someone else had released the same game, then it's score would be much lower. Again, I'm not trying to be a jackass, I just belive you're capable of much more.