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Reviews for "Out Of Control"

I cried...........

You'll see most of my reviews written in 1337 but ,for such an emotional movie, now is not the time. I did cry, I showed my sister and she didn't get it but that's okay.
Boy meets girl, boy dates girl, car hits girl, Death gets girl, boy gets a long drop with a sudden stop at the end, boy meets sidewalk and his maker. Basic summary of the movie right there.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Lol, yep u summarized it pretty good!

Trace the stars...

This is emotion...this is meaning...this is love...this is life.
Your movie shows this in a way that no other movie on New Grounds has. It gives us a reminder that we live in a world where things can happen, and I believe people forget that when they go through life. You have reminded me that life is never perfect and things may never go your way. Your emotional,sad, and realistic movie has put love into a new perspective for me, that it is a beatiful thing, but can be the cruelest of things. And I respect that. I also respect you as a director/flash creator. You are one of the brighter stars among the billions to be sure.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thank u very much for the very kind review. I hope others can see the flash in the same way as u can.

I Cried

AloneInTheDark, you are definately one of my favourite artists, im sorry i've only gotten around to writing a review so late in the game. Your animation screams of emotion, and puts one right into the scene. Thank you very much for making your movies, I truly love your work.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thanks alot :) Take care man

Long review!!!

I love your choice of music for this. Although, the song seems much more melancholy than the actual message of the movie. But it still fit. I have to say, the drawing styles used in your other movies would have fit better than the cartoony one you used here, but maybe this is an earlier animation (pre wacom, maybe?) I enjoyed the movie if nothing else because once again, it's good to see artistic, thoughtful animation once in a while, and I like the whole slice of life thing. I think, however, that the viewer might have identified more with the story and the two lovers if some visual info had been given to make them stand out as unique individuals (not just random, nameless, tragic boy and girl.) I can't say I could tell you how to do that; maybe some other brief scene showing a detail of their life together that wasn't so bland. I'm sorry, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm just being mean; I'm just an overly critical person;) And long winded too! Just my honest opinion; but I really did enjoy it, and I hope to see more animations from you soon.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Hey thank u for the very smart review. I agree too on almost all points. Indeed, the music may not be truly tragic and this flash was also made in my pre wacom period. As for the more background info of the characters part, i dont really know if it would have been better that way. Since the animation was based only on this song, i had about 4-5 minutes to tell the entire story. During the given time i could choose to show more events from their lives, but less detailed, or to show the 3 biggest events (meeting, kiss, loss) in a more detailed relaxed way. Maybe u are right. Thanks again and take care!

What a sad story :(

I've seen some of the movies you got and can see that you very much like making serious movies about life itself. Your flashs are very good and you really get the emotions out in this movie. You got a few amount of flashs in your "collection" , but they are all of them VERY GOOD !!


AloneInTheDark responds:

Thank u that u took the time to watch all my movies! The collection will grow, but slowly. I will only animate when i have a great idea and i try to perfect every animation i will make from now on. Take care.