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Reviews for "Spaceballs-vs-Voyager"

Pretty cool!

This is a good teaser! I am looking forward to the next part!

too little

it was good but there was to little

Really Good and Really Funny

I'm a big fan of Star Trek and I liked the movie SpaceBalls when I was a kid. Both of those worlds coliding can really make any flash animation really good and hillarious! I hope you can make the ending to this movie. I betcha hillarity will really ensue!

A taste of things to come?

Looks very nice so far, but I think you should've done more than this for Part 1. I mean, it's really not much so far.

I am interested in the future chapters, though.

And make SURE to pour on the cheesy Mel Brooks-ian humor!

FwyWarrior responds:

Oh I will! This is just an opener. I plan to make the next one(s) much longer (at least within the 2 meg limit of NG!)and way more comical. I just did this one to see if the idea would fly...


Takes a bit of time to come up with the sequel, dosen't it?