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Reviews for "KILL PEACH"


NEVAH! lol, goodjob. Hope it makes it

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 1.91!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

Dark-Squidge-Lock responds:

Thanks for helping it get through =D

dude man that was weird

to short and it says kill peach and it really is a peach i mean you'd think is was the mario character and not an actual peahc.

Dark-Squidge-Lock responds:

If you were a lock you would understand!


i see a lil connection between Kill Bill and this toon.. maybe the names and the swords n crap.. but other than that... WTF is wront wit u!!!!??

Dark-Squidge-Lock responds:

I was dropped on my head alot as a child!

I hate the locklegion and clokclegion but...

I make an exception for this. this was actually better than what i expected.

Dark-Squidge-Lock responds:

Hey thank you buddy


That was pretty unique. I think you can make excellent flash animations, your work is very fluid. Also, Stevens_ng was right, music would be great.

Dark-Squidge-Lock responds:

Yeah, he was!