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Reviews for "METAL SLUG 5"


the controls dont work and the screen part wen it goes white just can fuzes me father anderson wanna help me out on htf this game works? but good try for making it


Glitchy badly graphiced and very laggy this game is just an insult to any metal slug fans...

a break?

Dude... give him a break... its good. I enjoy playing it, and others do too. Why dont you make your own game. Im not trying to be insulting, but hey, its good. Lay off.

a little advise

its bad ,look , im not trying to be a A55hole or anything
you just need to improve the following things:

-too short
-no return fire
-moving is sluggish
-on the bonus level , in the slug gunner , if you ignore the last zombie and keep walking on, you see whiteness , and if you walk into that whiteness, you fall , and can only go forward from that point on
-have more guns in it
-have a opportunity to drive the Metal slug , as the name of your flash is METAL SLUG 5
-and atleast have the ability to control tarma aswell , and maybe the other two in later levels ,
One more thing : maybe you have a future on newgrounds
you just need to concentrate more on your future flashs , and put more time into them , personally , i gave this a 0 , as this was very short and has not much fun in it, if you just put more time into your flashs , you'll see a nice lovly 10/10 from me and a 5/5 in rating
trust me mate , theres alot out there that had made flashs , they turned out bad , but those guys took advise from there comments , and now they make front page flashs , comon , they done it , i believe in you , you can make better flashs than this , i am personally not the Flash artist myself , as i've tried before , but screwed up , got bored , and gave up , people like you have more time on there hands , comon dude , you just need to put more into your flashs , I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
Dont give up

-Yours sincerly , New grounds Oracle ;)


this was really confusing