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Reviews for "Decline of Video Gaming"


This may have been good for a gamer, I simply did not find this funny. Sure it may have struck a true note for modern gamers but it was obviously going for comedy and did not hit it here. Please, consider not giving this flash a 10/10, 5/5. The audio was unstable and required constant adjusting to not be obnoxious nor too quiet. The voice acting was under par and often too quiet. The effort was definitly driven to animation and programing of the flash itself. Sound is half the battle and it was ignored here. LOVED the paint dry bit.

It's hard for me to write a postive review for a movie when in this movie the creators make fun of pretty much all my favorite video games.

Some of it is a little bit insightful yeah, but overall I found it sort of pessimistic, that gaming is going into decline. Which it obviously isn't. At the time I'm writing this GTA 5 has just came out. And just it game alone has made more than a billion dollars for Rockstar so far. That's a lot of money. More than the yearly GDP for some 3rd world countries. Not bad for a game series doomed to being a traffic jam simulator.

Thinking about this movie, I kinda get pissed off. Just little things. Like how in it they say Metal Gear Solid has gone downhill since the first game. Bullshit. MGS2 and MGS3 were amazing games. They are amazing games. And the MGS5 we are gonna get and the one portrayed in this video are worlds apart.

It just comes across to me as some british guys making commentary about something they don't fully understand. Which is video games.

Maybe I'm taking this video a little bit too seriously.
But even so, taken seriously or not I still don't like it.

1 star, only because Egoraptor had a part in making this video.

Gaming was at it's peak in the 21st century?!?

Storylines where new to the 21st century? Funny, I guess Dragon Warrior 4, an NES game where you played through every character's background story before ever playing as the hero of the game, must have been a figment of my imagination. What about Final Fantasy 2 (the Japanese one) it had a fantastic story, despite the fact that it had horrible gameplay. Who didn't feel at least a little sad when Palom and Porum turned themselves to stone to save Cecil and the party in FF4? What about Soul Blazer? What about Shadowgate, Deja Vu, The Uninvited, or any game made by Sierra with the word "quest" in it?

I give you a 10 for graphics, because you deserve it, your flash looks terrific, but the content is drivel The only moments that could be funny are when you are parodying a game, everything else in the flash is just boredom. And since I get more amusement from the parodies at Penny Arcade, you get a 1 overall.

Wow, terrible.

Please, please watch your video before you submit it. Any potential the jokes might have had is killed outright by the slow pacing; not that the jokes were all that great to begin with. This isn't comedy; this is formulaic and predictable.

One word: Why?

The concept of "it's so bad, it's good" doesn't apply here.
If it was a joke or a bash, it didn't matter, because black screens are in no way entertaining to anybody.