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Reviews for "Decline of Video Gaming"

I hate you, you bastards

You're sarcastic Brits who enjoy video games and witty jokes. That's where our simiralities end. You see, in one movie you've done what we failed to do in like six, while treading on scarilly similar territory to us (so much so, that no doubt the next person unfortunate enough to see one of our efforts will call us piss poor rip off merchants). I hope you all rot in hell for making me actually have to put some thought into the next project I undertake. Apart from that, nice one lads!
Saw the Matrix thing earlier, didn't realise you lot were in it til I came here, and now I have another reason to hate you because your bit was the finest part of that, too.


This was undoutably one of the best flash movies i have ever seen. I loved the idea and sadly this will probably happen in the near future. Its already happening in Hollywood!

I noticed you didn't throw in any Xbox

I love the toon, awesome, but what are your thoughts on Xbox? Anyways, I gave a 1 for violence since you see Dante's shadow running with a sword and Lara kicking a soccer ball, thats about all I can do there. Great toon, but can you make a gag game for all of us? I know it sounds tedious, but just giving you an idea on what to do with your later work. VOTE 5!

Take that video game industry!!!!

Wow!Its been a long time since i laughed like this,you really pointed out the stupidity of some game elements or marketing strategy.Waz really funny!

The-Super-Flash-Bros responds:

Thanks. I think the sequel is even more cruel *_* coming soon


This is one amazing piece of flash art. The best part about this peice is it couldnt be farther from the actual truth! Great work fellas. Amazing ending by the way.