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Reviews for "Starcraft Terran Ghost"

Very nice!

I think this looks fantastic, but for the time spent, your medic looks better :/
I think thats because, with the medic, you could spend time on making all the little details perfect, while here, you are doing much more that just a headshot (lol, punny)
Some things that I notice is that the smoke is kinda overdone. It could be much more simplified, instead of all of the overlapping and criss crossing sections in the middle. When it first comes out of the gun, nice, but after that, it gets out of control and overdone. Simpler is sometimes better ;)
I also notice the grooves on the barrel aren't really even. A little effort straightening those out could go a long way.
The texture you used is really nice, and thats a plus. One thing that is detracting, though, is where you didn't use it: the right hand (her right). It looks a little unfinished and blurry, unlike the crispy clean textured parts.
I thought the Master Chief sticker and the etching in the legs were cute. All of the stickers were fun to look at, and I like the way you incorporated them into her armor.
Another nice piece, good job! :)

Vonschlippe responds:

Thank you for the critique!

I did find it was hard to keep the level of detail under control, which is an issue I face with most of my pieces. Hopefully the next one will be better!

conflicting images

both the face and figure are nice, but they don't match. she has a pin up dead stare but the pose is in more of a defensive combat posture. and all the green lights fight for attention. the face is clearly the focal point so tone down the contrast in the rest of the piece to make that area pop.

Vonschlippe responds:

I'm not sure I agree with this. The pose was supposed to be casual, and I wanted the image to be well balanced in composition without an obvious focus. I'm sorry this image did not work for you =/


That is one fat thigh! I would prefer to see the terran ghost fully!

great eye candy

SInce this is a professional looking piece, I'm going to be picky. Overall, you have great atmosphere going on, decent composition, thought the top left is very empty that even the hanging tubes aren't enough. The bottom right is so utterly detailed that it is too much of a stark comparison to the upper left.

You have an interesting mix of realism and cartoon style, but some of it doesn't quite click for me. In your previous, the medic face was (i assume, rotoscoped) very well and looks like a real face from afar, this one is clearly unrealistic and I feel it sort of detracts from the high detail realism of the suit. The smoke is almost too real looking, not matching the rest of the composition. You have three levels of style here, ultra realism(the smoke), realism(the suit), and cartoon hybrid(the face). I would stick with one, it makes your work tie together better.

Another gripe is that some of the textures on her right leg all (save for one muscle sinew) look flat. You don't get enough of a rounded surface appearance. Her hand is angled upward but her rifle is angled downward? It looks a little awkward to me. Also, her torso looks very crunched, like she wouldn't end up being proper proportions if she stood up.

I also feel like some of the logos are a little goofy, here you have an elite ghost sniper, but your'e trivializing this special operative with silly faces and hearts. You create this hyper serious work, but go in the opposite direction with hearts and smileys, very contradictory. Lastly, I feel like you went somewhat overboard on the details, remember, less is more in some cases.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy constructive criticism as much as I do, it honestly helps me with my work and I hope you can benefit from it. Cheers.

Nice. :>