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Reviews for "Sadness and Sorrow v.2"


This song was very, very nice! You captured the essence of sadness very well in this piece. This is something you might expect to hear in a movie where someone dies and it flashes back to important moments in that person's life, if you understood that at all. Fav'd.

And I did find the strings to be decent. Unfortunately I don't got any idea of any free one's. Just try fiddling around with the EQ and the string you like most until you get a sound you like.

I suggest adding just a bit more reverb to the piano.

BlazingDragon responds:

I can't even tell you how many times I've been told that same exact thing! Not that is is bad to hear, but this is apparently a very cinematic song, lol. Actually, I'm glad to hear it, as I hope to one day score for film. :)

My EQ skill's are lacking, I must admit. I know how to tweak reverb, but that's about it. I find it funny that the piano could use more reverb, as it had too much the first time I posted it. xD

Thanks for the review!

Ok ok OK... >:(

Why is it that every... SINGLE... SONG in the whole contest sounds like this? Ok, dont gte me wrong. I am loving all these songs. They sound great and peacful. However, none of them have any origanility in them besidesn the fact that they are all created. Yes I know, you worked very hard with this song.. but you got to make it sound.. different than the rest! DO you know how hard it is to judge 100+ songs that sound exactly alike?

I loved the song itself though. Very sad.. in fact I think THIS ONE has a better chance of winning than the rest of them. How? Mybe by strictly luck. I may never know.

BlazingDragon responds:

I believe the answer to that question lies in the expressiveness of the piano itself. It truly has an incredible range in both register and dynamics, allowing it to communicate such a wide breadth of emotions. The ability to combine both melody and harmony simultaneously alone makes it a great option for sad songs. As to why I myself chose it? I'm a pianist and stink at orchestration. :P

I've looked through quite a few of the submissions, actually. I wouldn't say they all sound alike, either. While there may be quite a few solo piano pieces, they are still distinct in the utilized dynamics, registers, tempo, rhythyms, harmonies, chord progressions, and melodies. While this does sound similar in the fact that it is sad, I wouldn't go so far as to say it sounds the same as every other song. I tried to make it original with the way I combined the traits I listed a moment ago. The fact that many submissions are piano solos does not make them all "sound like this". Within the piano, there is an infinite number of ways to create distinctive sounds, styles, and harmonies. Compare a Bach fugue to David Lanz's new age piano solos. There is a very noticable difference setting them apart, though they both be piano songs and sometimes both "sad". I personally wouldn't mind judging dozens of piano solos so long as there is some degree of variation in style. Judging a hundred different songs with the same chord progression in, say, the nocturne form? That may become too monotonous for me. However, I will respect your opinions. After all, I guess your not attacking me or anything. :P This is just my opinion on the matter.

Whatever the case may be, I am glad that you enjoyed the song. I am quite relieved to hear that this may have a decent chance of winning, whether it be luck or not.

Thank you for the review,


replace the kingdom hearts 2 menu screen with this

it so deserves it

BlazingDragon responds:

I STILL haven't played the KH series! I would love to, but I don't own a PS2. I once did, but sold it unfortunately. I now lack the money to purchase one. :(

Thanks for the comment, though. I'm a fan of the KH soundtrack!

I love it.


BlazingDragon responds:

Yay :D

Every friggin' time I watch Power Star 4 and hear this tune, I'm reminded of just how much of a brutal downer the end to the series was...

This does not, in any way, shape, or form, have any notes that help relieve the tension when putting the two together. Yet it's because of that very thing that this song is a good one to use during a bad situation. (That, or Nothingness from Tekken 4. That song is copyrighted, though, so...)

Nice one, BlazingDragon.