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Reviews for ".:Lost In Her Eyes:."

Very Light, Pretty Techno

This song had such a gorgeous piano melody that was really mixed in well with the other elements of the song. The point around 2:17 or so kind of broke up the song a little. It almost sounds like song could have ended there, but I would hardly call that a criticism. You put all the parts of this song together in such a way that it was irresistible to resist the urge to tap my foot. Not all songs have that effect, by the way. XP
I'm not too big of a techno fan, but this had a nice, soft feel, it was a really enjoyable listen, good job.

Review Request Club~

GronmonSE responds:

I felt the song was too short at 2:17 minutes so I decided to extend it and add a slightly deceiving break. New melodies couldn't come up at that point sadly so I just repeated the melodies :P

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review :D

Also, I'm not big into techno either, but I like stepping out of my genre sometimes when I come up with a decent melody ;)


The piano is very good, and works well with the synth noises combining with it, its nice that the piano doesnt get drowned out by the rest of the music, and the drum beat behind is light enough not to do that.

Its a great track with great dance feeling, yet with a melodic touch to it as well. This is great, keep it up. :D


Great tune, with a really weird beat, quite hard to tap along to. The piano/dance fusion worked quite well. The piano was just enough to push the song into really good. GReat job, keep up the good work

=Review Request Club=

GronmonSE responds:

That really weird beat is the most generic techno/dance beat ever :P

Aye, the piano is my favorite thing about the track to be honest.

Thanks for the input.

Varying electro-tempo could work for music-stomp

Simple but effective melody. My main beef is that you just don't play with it enough - you could have really introduced more layers, forced it into the bg whilst something new takes stage for a moment, generally played with it to make it more engaging.

At 0:55, it sounds like it wants more than just a couple of notes in the melody switching - maybe a beat switch too?

The cool bit around 1:30-1:46 could do more to keep the tempo going. Maybe quiet but rapid beats, rising in volume, then doubling in BPM before everything kicks in again. Its a cliche'd technique, but it does work.

2:22 similarly sounds like too much of a 'stop' and doesn't really feel natural - more like you've fallen over whilst running than you stopping for a moment to look at something before carrying on. Hope you know what I mean.

I liked the various filters/instruments you used for the main melody - the one at 0:55ish sounded cool.

Similarly, the qualities of the piano, snare/cymbal, drums and electronic tones all work well together.

I just hoped for a tad more variation mainly and/or a better 'maintenance of energy'.