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Reviews for "Madness: Pseudo (Parody)"

Best Madness parody ever.

That's all.

KoRRupt responds:

Sweet! Works for me. Thanks for watching and reviewing!


Well... You have admited it is part ripping, or atleast I think. Krinkles cannot be copied so techniacaly it ain't copied! But it is! I know
I don't make sense but so does ur face! anyways good job!

KoRRupt responds:

I'm real confused.. but.. Thanks for watching and reviewing!

Krinkels cannot be copied...

Despite your having drawn all the characters yourself, ripping off someone elses idea is still ripping it off. One of the slightly better rip offs granted. Undeserving of a blam because of the work put into it, it lacks Krinkels flair for somehow insuring the violence flows almost naturally, as if it was meant to happen that way. The violence in this animation seems trite and akwardly put together.

Krinkels is easily my favourite artist on Newsgrounds because his work is so well made and the direction of animation is so smooth. This lacked all of it and prompts me to say what I have said to almost every other Madness tribute I have reviewed...just don't do it. It's unoriginal and never anywhere as good as the real thing. The only good tribute I have ever seen to Krinkels work was a trailer for Madness that did not actually try in any way to emulate Madness action.

Praise where it is due for the work done in drawing and animating everything yourself, but your effort would have been better suited to coming up with something more original.

KoRRupt responds:

Ugh, sorry for not making it naturally and flowing violence.. but I couldn't.. so yeah.. wahtever.. Thanks for watching and reviewing regardless...

Dude, just kiss the sky . . .

I would give this an overall score of 9 just becuz it iz a marvellous tribute 2 to a classic seriez, but the fact that your profile quote is from my 2nd favorite movie and 2nd favorite comic series and the fact that your 2nd favorite movie iz my 4th makez me upgrade that 2 a 10 w/o a 2nd thought. Itz obvious you have superb tastez in cinema, whether silver screen or flash, so good lookin out.
But back 2 the movie, I must say that I wuz entertained from 1 2 dun. Great array of weaponz and wayz 2 die. Plus I like how you included, yet simultaneously RMX'd Krinkelz plotz in your flick. THAT, my friend iz the kinda integration that getz kritical akklaim w/o seeming neither uninspired or too deviant from the original. Plus your ending wuz the best puncline in any Madness-related flick. I actually believed him 4 a sec, but then he capped him just like he set out 2 do, so many yearz ago.

BOTTOM LINE: Tha Madness kontinuez . . .

-Don Cornball
-Founding Member of the UnderDawgz

KoRRupt responds:

Haha. Thanks for the compliments man! Thanks for watching and reviewing!

if it ain't broke

don't fix it.....that sucked

KoRRupt responds:

Hah.. I didn't fix it.. Thanks for watching and reviewing!