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Reviews for "XIN Session 07"

te heness

i like it when its just a bunch of fightin shit, dean man can dieeeeee buhahaha, should of thrown him off the edge, his face is now a bone crunchin mass of deadness and xin needs to like... uh wait i forgot... kill him! ya! he should like start carryin around an axe or somethin... yeah... axe...


once again I gave u a low score cuz no voices, I like the fight though. I mean normally in real life they wud have died like way before the fight would continue, but hey its japanimation.

oh comeon!!

like that wasnt good man that sucked the fight was good but that endin sucked aaauuww he feel how cute!!!

dom vs xin on roof top

it was a good fight i liekd the way dom tlaks liek a tough guy hes like "ahahahaaa...." also his wrestling style of fighting is kinda fun to watch and shows yo uthat he means busines. also i love the music of the fight and the way he dorp kicks Xin through the wall and when the teacher downstair says "what the hell is going on up there" i kinda like his acent it sounds liek a teacher. also at the end when he grabs Xin's neck and then Xin smack him right in da face is brilliant specaily the way doms voice echos when he goes "uhhhh..." then Xin falls over which shows me that the fight was intence.

rippin off DBZ at every turn

i gave it a * cus half the things rippet off BDZ like gettin kickted through the wall.also what internal wound that broken arm is external...and Xin got his ass kickted suprised he won