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Reviews for "XIN Session 07"

Right on!

I don't think some of your fans read what you write, huh? It says that you're adding IN voice actors, and before it wasn't voice-acted, which is why most of them don't have voices.

I think this series is freaking awesome, and even though animation is a little sketchy sometimes, most of us couldn't even attempt the first few scenes on Flash. I still think your original music is an amazing touch, as it adds tons of originality.

no voices? again? were the first few remade?

even without the voices, though, this is still a good series.

im not too sure now whos on whos side. XIN seems to be on his own, although the faculty (who i think are the "evil dudes") made it sound like they had him come to the school to help them. andre and ghai, i think, are the "good dudes". this might not be the case, but i dont think it really matters to me who is bad or good, the series is awesome nonetheless. keep it up!

Cool but i'll stop here

I'll continue seeing the episodes 'till the characters talk..

Pd: I t wasssssss aaaaawwwwwwwweeessssomeeeeee.

ok gopher can you plz SHUTUP

ok you probly dont even watch these so just stop reviewing you havent made a flash so you dont know how hard it is to make one and considering how good this series is session 1-9 only took a week each to make

4/5 -killerboy

Nearly on par with #4...

...which was the only other good one.
For those of you new to the series:Xin is a stupid faggot bad-guy that the creators try to say is a good-guy. The teachers at this school are evil, and want to kill some of the students for protecting themselves. Once there is leadership within the student body, the teachers hire a student to kill the leaders, that student is Xin (the blue guy).

Now, to all of you monkey asslickers who don't like anyone to have an opinion that differs from your own, you are stupid. osamahunter1 is like myself, he does not like the series, but the first 3 episodes left left him curious, so he keeps watching to see if it gets good.

The only reason I did not give this one a zero is because Mr. Dom broke out some wrestling move on that Xin faggot. I gave it a 3, but it only desrves a 1.