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Reviews for "Dragon_Lock Adventures"

lame dude...

I mean come on, Strawberry clock doesn't live in a cave and neither would he have 0 guards. the locks could not win that easily. try again with something a little more beilivable

Vaslious responds:

Your funny, here's a few of my observations about you.

1) You opened an NG account less than a month ago.
2) You have like 6 Blam/Save points combined which tells me you haven't seen much flash nor do you know much about Strawberry_Lock. He is a character based on a poor flash artist that stopped coming here years before you "discovered" this place.
3) I like your idea for some guards, pointless clock death is always amusing.
4) As for believablity, you tell me the believabilty of almost anything that happens on "The Simpsons" or "South Park" and i'll start making believable flash animations (it's called imagination, use yours).

This is lame as far as flash's go at this point due to the lack of content, not the lack of believablity n00b.


Thanks for commenting bonehead. You don't own newgrounds, so get over yourself. Though I will just say this... if you haven't served in the armed forces, you don't have any business enjoying the first ammendment. You can do either one of two things, either practice your skills and suck up the reviews. Or stop submitting your garbage.

Vaslious responds:

1) Don't know what i was commenting on since you didn't specify.

2) If your logic is any reflection on those that serve in the armed forced i'll count myself lucky never having served. Hoo-ra

3) I do practice my skills all the time, and never said i didn't.

4) By suck up the reviews do you mean not respond? Responding in the only way reviews with constructive critisim are able to possitively impact the flash artists technique.

5) To the last, i dont make flash movies anymore because i don't have free time.

Thanks for the review and watch your step dismounting the short bus soldier.