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Reviews for "DBZ Out Takes (funny)"


"Error - invalid width/height parameters. Please go back and try again."


i've saw this over 50 times and it never gets boreing and for all the retards blamming this go here


hey dumbass

make sure the movie actually works next time u make one so next time actually try to make it shitty because this is beyond shitty this is a fuckin pile of shit you pigfucker

yes because this works.

Ok well this flash needs a lot of improvement, ill make an important suggestion: Next time make sure it actually WORKS! If you put somehting that doesnt work on it just annyos everyone and wastes time, not to mention wastes valuable space on the NG and contriubting to spamming it up, well done!

You have just been reviewed by
Next time before you submit something, make sure it works. K?

It doesn't even work!

I doesn't even work. Try to fix this.