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Reviews for "The Blammed"


you have made me fell sorry for fictional pieces of programming. I hope ure happy =).
Good stuff ctually. I know how hard it is to animate smoothly as my and my friend have started recently. Sound was good, but i think it could have been a tad faster. I know, it was for effect, but still...

JoeandTom responds:

yeah, animating smothly isn't too hard... its alot of tweening and slow animations but hey, its wortht the time :P

IMO, the best thing to do is set the movie to 20fps rather than 12. 12 just makes it look choppy.. imo

Thanks for your review Doom :D!


this wuz good and it made me realize if i ever learn flash i will want to make it good :-D thank you 4 making me realize this!

Sheer Flash Perfection

This was an excellent production. Fantastic job. Judging by your review responses, I'd say you didn't realize what an impact your movie would have (I also notice you have a favorite smiley :D :D :D)

To be absolutely perfect though, after the spike went through the flash file's head, that tear he/she/it was welling up was supposed to slowly run down the side of its face while the music crescendoed, but hey, it was as close to perfection as you can get. ;)

Well, that and the flash file has two right hands in that scene (look at the thumbs). (I admit I've watched this many times...it's just too damn good to watch only once)

I do find it tad ironic that this movie lost daily first place to a flash in which sticks play Counterstrike.

One last tidbit of nuisance and then I get to the good stuff -- I don't think you quite comprehend the sheer volume of human life that was taken during the tragedy of the Holocaust. If you were to kill 100 people a day, you would need 160 years to amount to the number of _Jews_ who were murdered during the Holocaust. (100 people/day * 365 days/year * 160 years = 5.8 million people). At only 50 deaths per day, you would require 320 years to total the same amount. That is NOT the total death count of the Holocaust (which is actually significantly higher).

Okay, I have whined enough about little details -- sorry, couldn't help myself. Your flash movie is superb, excellent, deserving of a long front-page debut, etc. Fantastic work, very well done. Don't listen to any criticism you may receieve -- the timing was impeccable and the musical score fit the movie flawlessly. It was NOT too long, nor was the music "too soft" or what have you. Disregard such nonsense.



JoeandTom responds:

I love long reviews like this! i know its kinda... hard to take some time and write a long one but hey, it helps me the most!

:D (smiley for you lol)

Im not offended by your "pickyness" really it made me go "woops!" so thanks! cause i dont mind noticing my mistakes :P but you didnt even degrade for that, and I thank you!

I've been responding to alot of reviews because I think its best to get feedback from both sides, from the reviewer and the maker.

and yeah.. my math was a little off.. :( sorry for that...

I have noticed this movie has touched alot of people and wow, im really suprised, because I had no idea it would inspire so many! :P

Thank you very much for this review DerGeist! Danke!



is that what really happens? why?! WHY?@?frmakjg vjm gvnganrehnbgugbea! Poor little critters I cried when my flahs movie was destroyed!

Good job you now.......

....just made me not want to blam anything. After watching this video, im going to have to change my aura to super light because i have the biggest guilt now for blamming anything. Im going to remember the poor files eyes when he gets a huge metal stake through his head. Thanks, for ruining my portal experience.Thanks for voting, Yggrasilll!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 2.80 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 0% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 2.80 votes!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 4.12!

JoeandTom responds:

lol im sorry.. I didnt mean to "ruin" your newgrounds experience. We still have to blam... i know its hard heh, but remember, its not your fault :P (most of the time)

Thanks Yggrasilll for the review!! :D