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Reviews for "DE_dust"

New low for Newgrounds reviewers

Since when does a stick movie in a counter-strike scenario deserve a 10? The hardest work you did was probably taking screenshots and tracing them.

This hardly deserves to be in the top 50 let alone top 10. Xiao Xiao isn't even in the top 50, and thats hands down, the greatest stick series. Alot better than this stuff.

Next time use some real characters, instead of stick men. Stick men aren't entertaining at all.

That wasn't good.

You didnt do anything outstanding, the msuic was all I saw....

Good but....

....... it missed something very little special: Airstrikes!!!! Like call of duty: the modern warfare series, airstrikes are very important to strike at your enemies, to outnumber them. But this is also great. Dont forget to place next time some airstrike actions.

........way the hell to much time

Really, how did this make frontp page, and is #18 of all time?

This was really a peice of crap, I love counterstrike but this made it look terrible...

I mean I gave you a 1 for atleast putting effort into it. But drawing sticks, really, what kind of effort is there.

Backgrounds were well drawn, but they swtiched from great to crap, which could have been fixed if a little more time was put into it

I completely hate sticks, that is what ruined your movie and my review.

My advice to you, is to not make another counterstrike movie PLEASE! make something we've never seen before, without sticks, and put some more time into it, fix the little things because they become the biggest things on newgrounds.

That made no sense!

Okay that was very NERDY and it just made no sense what so freakin ever!
I gave the humor a 10 because it was funny laughing at it!
BE lucky you got a one because of the effort.
Next time you make one,don't make it nerded out,and have it make sense.

------------You have just been reviewed by Ghost31