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Reviews for "lll_An NG BBS tale 2_lll"


Man you made this fast! It was just this morning when this was happening.
For an actual flash there was't much to it nor was it just some snapshots of posts in some bbs threads, but the dude at the PC was done pretty well I s'pose.
You said thanks too JesusCyborg for resolving it but it seems that he is the most likely person to have caused it(I'm not pointing my finger, just he seems to have bit programming capabilities)
The majority of folk got thier accounts back nevertheless.

alexsmolik responds:

Lol yep, I did it pretty fast. I know it's not great nor god-like, but I wanted it to be "talkative". I know about the JesusCyborg controversy thingy... I might rectificate it tomorrow, after sleeping (wich I'm going to do right now). You know, I actually think like you but hey, he did help ME get MY account back for sure...
Thanks for the cool review.

Another Funny Movie

Hi Alex!
Another Funny Movie hehe!
I still think you can draw better. Keep pratice!
And make bigger movies, cmon! ;)


alexsmolik responds:

Thanks mate ! About the graphic thingy, buy me a graphic tablet and I shall draw like Salvador DalĂ­ or something ! I swear ... Drawing with Flash is difficult for me lol. About the bigger thing, I just wanted to make it fast, so that it still is fresh on the users minds.
Thanks a lot for the review.


that sux. I knew nothing about all of that. but now I do. thanx to you.

every time you submit something, it's better than the last time. it's good to see you improving like that. keep it up.

alexsmolik responds:

Thanks a LOT about the compliments dude... I remember, first time I used flash, it was for the collab (wich is btw too big to send by email). And I have to admit, I did improve ! God, I'm so modest. Glad I informed you too !
Thanks a lot for the review.


The person who made that movie was EVIL! EVIL I SAY! at least most of the people got there accounts back already.

Nice job on the movie :)

alexsmolik responds:

Yeah ! Evil BUT very wise for sure... Can you imagine the capacities to do such a thing ? To pass through one of the manies (I believe) NG's security breaches ? That's ... good !
Yeah most of the people got the accounts back, but, jonthomson, among others, didn't...
Thanks for the compliment. I tried to do as quick as possible for it not to be forgotten lol.
Thanks for the review.


I never heard of that incedent.

alexsmolik responds:

You didn't ? Well maybe you don't hang around the BBS much ! Go and check that out : http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=105953, it might help you understand the whole thing !
Thanks for the review !