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Reviews for "the mime"


it was alright i liked how he used him mime powers but it needed a lil bit more also dont put anything from the matrix in it its so un original

fight scene ruined it all

it were great graphics to see
good camera play sync'd to the music...

the fight scene ruined it
the gore really didnt fit in with the rest
it showed to much violence...

it wouldve been better if you did something more original with it, instead of making one of those matrix fight scenes... jump to a random portal entry, and you got quite a chance of landing on a entry with a matrix fight scene...

so, good luck with future projects...
and please lay off using matrix effects..
for you got a good style of your own

pretty damn fine movie!

The things i don't like about this movie:

Some of the animations.. SUCK.. i thinks its ruining a pretty damn fine movie with 2 or 3 sucky animations..


I gave this movie 3 points.

not cool

you made a poor quality copy of Genryu's Blade DVD, and i say poor quality becasue there is no uses for the bonus feachers because, theres no outtakes and no how you made the movie, there was just 3 or 5 pics of the two people in the movie, and you stole the gun from DIVINE INTERVENTION, come on man just make a gun, dont cheat. and finaly "the sopranos theam song" come on thats so old, and if i here fire starter by protogy one more time my heads gana blow up, make movies that a your own dont copy other peoples work thank you.


It wasn't worst, and it wasn't the greatest, at least people died in it. And I don't see why every one's getting all jazzed up about the gun being from DV Part 1, I don't see the big deal. The action could use a little more though, I found this kind of boring. I just hope the second one will be better, good work.