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Reviews for "Illwill gets a girlfriend"

get a life

ok i don't review a lot and like the person beforme this was just so bad i needed to say something. you need to get a life. just because someone can make cartoons good enough to make money by selling t-shirts and stuff (like the foamy cartoons and the potter puppet pals cartoons) dosen't mean you do this type of sh*t ya a**hole. just because there BETTER then you and always will be. now getting a f***ing life.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

OM*G * C*N F**KING B**P W**DS T*O I*M SP****L L*L W**T G* M* J*0 S**K Y*U A*E A* TAl**TL**S A* ILL**LL**ESS H**SE*F S**K * D**K

could use some work

first review, woo...

honestly, come up with something original!

making fun, or debasing someone else's work isn't creative.... you obviously have some skill... use it for your own creative purposes.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

hmm... well, I can appreciate your opinion, but please remember that most people that hate foamy are flash artists themselfs. We are indeed jealous, but not of his skill, only his overating and incredibly ignorant hoards of fans. I'm not saying all foamy fans are idiots, only the ones that are dumb enough to think I should die for making a cartoon expressing my opinion. I dont believe mr. mathers should die for making his cartoons, he has as much right to make his cartoons as we do to dis them. I dont think Foamy is original either, surely you have seen invader zim and other cartoons by Johnen vasquez(exuse me if his name is spelled wrong), his work is not only incredibly simalar, but also has the same sort of style and storyline, exept that invader zim isnt 1 minite long with a single backround with only poorly synced mouth movement.

anyways, sorry for the rant, it wasnt really even directed at you lol.

moome he has...

and hes called that movie...the good life.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

lol you must be one bored piece of shit

oookay, THAT was stupid

you cant call illwillpress overrated, why, becase its funny and its true. your just some whiney bastard who thinks that because your not as famous as somone else you can rag on them and make some stupid gay joke that a 12 year old would find immature and that everyone will flock to you. stop being such an attentino whore already. we get it, your not smart enough to get goth humor so you dont like it, oh well, quity whining about it and get on with your life. granted the guy who dose illwill talks too much about people not needing relationships and probably has some issues there, but thats his cross, yours just happens to be being an idiot.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

smart enough to get GOTH humor? Oh thats rich, I suppose I'm not intelligent enough to comprehend the complexitys of whiney teenagers who cut themselves and wear black. I can call Illwillpress overated. I just did. Several times. You're yet another idiot I can add to my annoyed internet retards list, thank you have a nice day. :D

Poorly done

Its not that I dont defend your right to rag. I mean I love a good roast. Its just that you did it so poorly. Your animating skills and creativity leave much to be desired... Actually I didn't even see any. I think you need to reconsider why people vote you as a loser. There are many justifiable ways to mock illwillpress animations, but your attempt was just weak. :-P btw foamy is funny and you are not. Uhh the goths, can go to hell and be happy for all i care, I'm in it for the squirrelly wrath

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

Pure Rapesex.

P.S. I'm a lot better then this, but unfortunately ng idiots such as yourself dont seem to see the differance.